The COSCE ("Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España") A scientific society is an association of professionals, researchers, specialists in a branch of knowledge or science in general, which allows them to meet, present the results of their research, compare them with others and disseminate their work through specialised publications.And COSCE has a project called PRACTICA (for students of 3 and 4 of ESO and bachillerato) in which we have presented these two projects:
Morse Decoder
The goal of this project is to understand that code can be created in many different ways. For example using variables, functions, parameters or even all Morse decoder.
Here is a link that takes you directly to YouTube, where you can find our explanations in Spanish.

Theremin Device
The main objective of this project is to be able to observe the variability of any value and to see the differences in values represented, for example, by the illumination of an RGB LED, and by the sound of a loudspeaker. (In this case the values of the variables are from an LDR light sensor).
Here is a link that takes you directly to YouTube, where you can find our explanations in Spanish.