Here you can see all the material used during the whole project:
- x6 red wires
- x6 black wires
- x6 resistors (220 omhs)
- x3 LEDs
- x1 LDR
- x1 RGB LED
- x1 USB cable
- x1 Protoboard
- x1 Microcontroller ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1
- Arduino Uno R3
- Loudspeaker with 8 ohms and 0.5 W
- A remote control
- In order to connect the remote to the circuit, we used an infrared receiver (ours contains a resistor).
- A pressure sensor
- A flexibility sensor
- resistors (220 omhs)
- The book Electronic Projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32 by Neil Cameron.
- The Espressif website
- Arduino IDE
- The website of our teacher Francesc Pérez
- Filmora (video editor)
- Tinkercad
- GIMP(create default image)
- OpenDrive
All these objects have been used to create the circuit.
For the new project we have used:

We have then used different websites and applications:
By: Juan Antonio Calvete and Joel Poderós.